Reportage Photo Vs. Documentary Photography: What’s the Difference?

No doubt, you may find today’s post quite helpful if you are one of those who take an interest in photo-journalism! According to a survey, many people these days try to make their career in photography, especially in reportage photos, while a few love to collect those. But most of those find it challenging to differentiate when it comes to reportage photos and documentary photography! In fact, you can’t deny that you have asked yourself the same question many times and end up with no conclusion! However, in today’s post, you may get all your answers from their differences. What makes Reportage Photo and Documentary Photography different? You can find people considering Reportage photos as photo-journalism. It’s quite different from capturing images to create a documentary. These pictures here illustrate and describe any recent incident or event, while documentary photos represent the surrounding environment related to the very incident that could be old and historical even. Not getting...